About Us
OTOFIXSHOP.com is the Official Authorized Store of Autel & OTOFIX, we provide Free Shipping, 30-day Return Service, 24/7 Professional Support & 1-year Free Warranty. And you’ll always have the trusted support of OTOFIX at your fingertips.
No matter where you are, OTOFIX Shop can ship merchandise all around the world. Thanks for the advantage of worldwide warehouse web. We can ship products to your address from the US(Los Angeles and New York warehouse), Canada, Europe(UK and De warehouse), Australia, and Hong Kong within 3-5 days.
OTOFIX is the latest line of intelligent automotive diagnostics and scanning tools from Autel Intelligent Technology Corp., specifically designed with you - the driver - in mind.
OTOFIX gives you the ability to take control of your vehicle repair and maintenance in ways not possible since automobiles were computerised. Our tools scan your automobile’s on-board computer, its battery, and even its keyless entry system for any problems, and helps you fix them on the spot.
No longer the secret domain of commercial repair shops, OTOFIX makes these technologies available to you - at an affordable price and in a convenient design.
With OTOFIX hardware and software, you will have tools designed to address the needs of your specific vehicle make, model, and year. And you’ll always have the trusted support of Autel at your fingertips.